“Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.”
This quote is attributed to both Buddha and Gandhi, but we don’t truly know who originated it. It appears to be a shortened version of a concept presented in ancient Sanskrit texts. But whomever first said it, this is a profound truth.
Life is better, sweeter, and more fun, when we’re in harmony with ourselves.
If we think one thing and do another, we are in disharmony.v If we say one thing and do another, we re in disharmony. But when our thoughts, words, and deeds are aligned, we’re authentic. We can look ourselves in the eye and feel good about who we are. We are freed to be a true expression of our genuine Universal selves.
And we can’t really be in true harmony with others until we’re in harmony with ourselves.
There is no one else who is YOU. The person you were born to be will shine through, the more you bring your thoughts, actions and words into harmony. Watch how this works in your own life. Harmony is beautiful.