Unity or Division

Our task here is to BE LOVE.  In easy times, bringing the best version of ourselves to every situation can be, at times, challenging.  During times of conflict and chaos, it is ESSENTIAL.  Amazing growth is possible now due to this challenge.  So, let’s take a quick look at the political scene in the USA right now.

Whenever you hear a person in power working to “other” some group with less political power, take note and be aware.  People of color, immigrants, laborers, women, LGBTQ community, Muslims… all of these groups have less political power in this country than the ruling class of the wealthy.

Division is a tool of autocrats, racists, authoritarians and dictators, and the saddest thing is to realize that human beings are quite vulnerable to this tactic.  There is a reason many authoritarians work to undermine education and fight against critical thinking: Our UNITY is our strength.Continue reading

Crisis of Consciousness

Every challenge we encounter, would be improved by increased consciousness.  Every relationship, every decision, every creation, is so much sweeter when it comes from expanded consciousness and love.

Lest you think this is a vast generalization, just imagine what life could be if we were more awake, more loving, more generous, more kind.  Imagine!

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It’s All Us

“And suddenly you realize: you are in every dot of the universe vanishing and arising.”

~ Amit Ray