Visionary Music

The new tunes, including Soul Surround & PsyChants —  and some older songs will be posted here this year.

Those of you who know me first from my musical career typically already have downloaded and/or heard the original musical material. Some of the newer music is reworkings of the older tunes, with alterations such as the addition of healing frequencies and the elimination of the louder percussion, but quite a lot of it is new.

The SoulSurround tunes don’t really translate well to an MP3 experience, since the binaural beats and subliminal tones are best experienced without the loss of frequencies that happens with Mp3’s. If you’re already a client, you’ve heard the songs in sound healing sessions, the way they are meant to be experienced.

However, for sampling purposes, I will be posting new material in Mp3 format to this page sometime soon. Until then, please visit the musician site  Look for the mellow section in the “originals” page.