Historically, entheogens (aka "plant medicines", sacred substances, psychedelics, etc.) are the basis of all shamanism and have been accredited with the creations of nearly all spiritual practices throughout history. These are substances which allow the "veils" to be lifted, which can bring clarity and a sense of wonder and purpose.
Yet, many who are on a spiritual path don't take advantage of this amazing gift from the Universe. Western society often misunderstands, belittles, or fears such experiences. Without a generation of "elders" to guide us, some individuals who experiment with entheogenic substances can become confused by the experience, rather than becoming more conscious or enlightened.
Thankfully, this situation is rapidly changing as reported insights, awe, benefits, and joy continue to accumulate. Laws are slowly being changed to reflect a new acceptance of the benefits of psychedelics.
I am an entheogenic elder. I have conducted entheogenic sessions of many types over the past 4 decades, both alone and with traditional indigenous shaman. As an experienced shamanic entheogenic guide, I can help you to design and experience a more meaningful journey, and follow up with you post-journey to help identify and integrate the lessons learned into your regular waking consciousness.
Pre-journey, I'll help you prepare for your experience, and set intention. As you've heard, set and setting can "make or break" your experience. I will help you design the perfect atmosphere to allow you to have the most enlightening and expansive experience.
Post-journey, together we'll identify the biggest lessons learned, and then realize ways to integrate these lessons into your life. We can do some deep dives together and really get to the heart of what the Universe is speaking to you right now.
Due to the lack of elder guides and societal support, entheogenic journeys are not for everyone in this particular culture. If you are just considering spiritual entheogenic journeys, or have experimented before and had limited results, I can help you decide if this path is calling to you now.